Lisseth and I are leaving The Book Paparazzi. Leaving of course this lovely blog with no one to run it. Our book tourishness will be essentially....gone. However there's good news to fix all that!
Part of the reason we are leaving is because we've both gone our seperate ways in the touring industry, moving on to bigger and better! So while TBP helped us to establish our roots and get to know this business, now we get to go full speed ahead with our new touring sites. So where did we end up?

Well Lisseth took the plunge and opened up her very own new tour site! You can find her promoting books at Yes I'm Bookish Blog Tours! Way to go Lissy! She's doing a great job and is the place to go if you are looking for a tour and a wonderful host! Not to mention it's very affordable! Go book your tour or sign up to be a host now!

As for Hannah, she's gotten into crazy amounts of trouble by ganging up with her pals of the Merp Squad and opening The Merp Squad Blog Tours. Business is booming, with their first tour hitting the blogosphere next month and tons of fabulous tours on the schedule. Join the squad now!
So that's where we're headed! We had so much fun this year thanks so everyone who helped on the Stung tour! But now it's time to take things bigger and better!! So will we be seeing you in the Bookish and Merp Squad tours?
Hannah & Lisseth
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